If you’re looking for a kid’s electric dirt bike, here’s the best place to start—11 Best Electric Dirt Bikes for Kids in 2022.

A lot of factors matter when buying a kid’s electric bike, but the most important is undoubtedly speed. For kids, you need to look for electric dirt bikes that go 20 mph or under. Keep reading, because we’ve mentioned our favorite models below.
Electric Dirt Bikes That Go 20 Mph: Do They Exist?
Yes, there are bikes that go 20mph, but they are made for kids only. Adult electric dirt bikes usually have top speeds of 30 mph and above.
For kids’ electric dirt bikes, the Kuberg Trial Hero is a very good option and can go as fast as 17mph. Costing $1,899.99, the bike is made for children between the ages of 5 and 12. It weighs 77 lbs and is perfect for moderately rough terrains.
Also having a top speed of 17mph, the Monster Moto 1000 is another good option for electric dirt bikes that go 20 mph or under. Retailing for $249 USD, the bike is both affordable and kid-friendly. It weighs 110 lbs and is a little on the heavier side, but its age versatility is a big plus.
Is 20 Mph Fast Enough for an E-bike?
No, 20mph is not fast enough for an e-bike. Sure, it is perfectly normal to find electric dirt bikes for kids that go 20 mph or under, but adult dirt bikes require a lot more speed.
In fact, the fastest electric dirt bikes can even have top speeds of 100mph and above. The Segway X260, for example, has a top speed of 46.6 mph, and the Sur-Ron Storm Bee has a top speed of 68mph. Our favorite bike—and the fastest bike we’ve seen—however, is the Zero DSR/BF. Not only is the bike a piece of beauty, but it also has a top speed of 102mph.
What’s the Fastest a Kids’ Electric Dirt Bike Can Go?
The fastest a kid’s electric dirt bike can go is 45mph. We have two bikes with this top speed: the Husqvarna EE 5 and the KTM SX E5. Both of these bikes are at the top of their game and are really similar too. First, they have only a pound of the weight difference between them and have the same range—2 hours at top speed— too.
Both of these bikes also have a 5000W motor installed inside. However, there is a $700 price difference between them. The Husqvarna retails at $5750 and the KTM retails at $5040.
If this price tag proves too much for you, you can always look at the Kuberg Cross X-Force Pro 50. Made for kids between the ages of 6 and 12, the bike has a top speed of 34mph. It retails at $4,399.99, making it cheaper than the other two models, but it actually has a stronger motor. Where the above two had a 5000 W motor, the Kuberg Cross comes with an 8000 W motor.
Also read: Electric Dirt Bikes That Go 25 Mph: Do They Exist?