If you’re a dirt bike fan, it’s no surprise that you already know about the world of dirt bike jumping. But what of the finer details? Is dirt bike jumping dangerous? How do you calculate dirt bike jump angles? And just how do you attempt to jump a dirt bike? With one of the best electric dirt bikes for adults at your disposal. Let’s find out how you can jump it.

What Are Dirt Bike Jump Angles?
The angle of a jump, simply put, is the distance between the ground and the top of the jump. The larger the angle, the steeper the jump.
You can use angles anywhere from 30 to 70-degree angles for your jumps. Angles above 70 won’t allow the bike to climb on the jump, and angles below 10 will be too smooth to provide a jumping effect. If you want to cover more distance with each jump, we recommend building your jumps at a 45-degree angle.
There are mainly two types of dirt bike jumps, motocross and supercross jumps. A motocross jump is less steep, and when you jump from it, you cover a lot of distance. A 45-degree jump is a motocross jump.
Steeper jumps allow you to gain more height when you push yourself off them. They are usually at a 60-degree angle or above.
How High Are Dirt Bike Jumps?
Dirt bike jumps are usually 4 to 6 feet high, but you can make your dirt bike jumps as high or as low as you want to. You can go for really high jumps too, but if you want to gain height when jumping, we recommend making your jump steeper instead of taller.
A taller jump won’t necessarily be safer, and having your bike flip with you on it can land you (pun intended) in deep trouble. As a rule of thumb, for every 3 feet you want to jump, your jump should be 1 foot high. To jump 12 feet, you need a 4 feet tall jump. Of course, dirt bike jump angles matter too.
How Do You Approach a Jump on a Dirt Bike?
When approaching a jump, the first thing you want to do is stand up on the bike. If you’re sitting when you hit the jump, the impact will cause the bike to collide with you from below. Standing on the bike will help you stabilize your impact.
Tighten your knees around the bike, so you are not thrown off and push your upper body into a 45-degree angle from your hips. You want your body to be in the direct middle of the bike. Lean too far in, and you’ll come down face first. Lean back too much, and you’ll fall back with the bike on you.
Furthermore, no matter what dirt bike jump angles you’re looking at, always keep the throttle of the bike steady. Choose a speed you’re happy with and continue at the same speed till the top of the jump.
Finally, once you’ve jumped off, ideally, you want to land on both tires at the same time. This will ensure the smoothest landing. Keep practicing these steps until you’re safe with both your takeoff and landing.
Also read: How Much Do Electric Dirt Bikes Cost?